Baseball & Softball
Baseball/Softball General Information
NKYA has leagues for both boys and girls ages 3 and up.
- 2014 Rules and Guidelines - Coming Soon
Special Notice: Rules are subject to change. If you have any question about a rule please contact your coach.
For the 2014 season (age cut-off is January 1st):
- T-Ball: ages 3 and 4 (coed)
- Coach Pitch: ages 5 and 6 (coed)
- u9 Softball Machine Pitch: ages 7 and 8
- u11 Fast-pitch Softball: ages 9 and 10
- u13 Fast-pitch Softball: ages 11 and 12
- u15 Fast-pitch Softball: ages 13 and 14
- u9 Baseball Modified Kid Pitch: ages 7 and 8
- u11 Baseball: ages 9 and 10
- u13 Baseball: ages 11 and 12
- u15 Baseball: ages 13 and 14
2014 NKYA Schedules
- Will be posted in April
- T-ball plays on Wednesday nights with a couple Saturday games in June.
- Coach Pitch plays on Wednesday nights and Thursday nights or Saturday mornings. The number of teams will drive the scheduled days.