Our Mission Statement: To developed and maintain a youth sports program aimed toward the overall building of character, ability and sportsmanship. Our Vision Statement: To be the best youth sports program through organization, training and fairness and to be recognized throughout Northern Kentucky at ALL levels of play.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Friday, 7/20 - All Games are CANCELLED
Unfortunately, we had another rain shower go through Independence this afternoon leaving the fields unplayable for tonight. We will make up all games tomorrow morning.
The 9U softball games that were cancelled tonight will be played at 8:30AM at Richardson Road Park. At this time, we know one of those games will be on field #2. However, we do not know what field the other game will be on yet. We will be working on the fields tonight, so we'll figure out which is our best bet for the second field. Coaches, please check your email or this site late tonight for the fields.
The Upper Softball game that was cancelled tonight will be played at 11:30AM at Richardson Road Park. As for the field, we will let you know tonight also. Field #2 is playable, but if we can get field #1 playable, we'll play it there since it's in better shape (when dry).
All championship games will remain at their scheduled time at Lincoln Ridge Park.
9U BB - 9:00
9U SB - 11:00
UP BB - 1:00
UP SB - 3:00
NKYA Baseball/Softball Admins